Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'

Autumn Joy in July-still green
Autumn Joy in late September-deep pink 
As perennials fade and the leaves start to turn, 'Autumn Joy' is just starting to reign in the garden.  The pale green heads of summer are now a full, rich pink.  As the season progresses, they will turn a rich brown that can remain all winter long.  It adds interest on those long, rainy Northwest days.

In the early spring, cut back all the foliage, being careful not to damage the new nubs of growth that emerge.  Full sun, little water, and light on the fertilizer.  I have experimented with part shade---the result was spindly plants that fell over easily.  They do very well in my rock garden just outside the range of my hose.  This is a great beginner's plant.  Spreads by the roots and can be divided in the spring and shared after just a year or two.  This large clump can easily yield 10 nice plants next year.

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