Saturday, February 4, 2012

Winter color: Witch Hazel

Winter can seem long and dreary in the Northwest.  On a recent sunny day, Hamamelis intermedia 'Primavera' (a variety of Witch Hazel) was in full bloom at the Oregon Garden in Silverton.

Enjoying the garden in winter requires looking for more than the lush, full colors of spring and summer.  Seek out the accents like this Witch Hazel.  Observe the forms, shapes, and lines of the plants and the landscape itself.  Take a close look at seed pods, flower heads, bare branches and tree trunks.  You will find beauty there that would otherwise be obscured by leaves and color. 

And by all means, go to botanical gardens year round.  There will be gardening delights any time of the year----if you just look beyond that summer-like expectation.

Witch Hazel adds a bit of color to a February landscape

The frnge-like flowers dot the branches

A close-up photo reveals the interest and beauty of the blossom

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