Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weeds already? Is it Spring?

Weeds, like their more desirable garden counterparts, have a life cycle.  They germinate and start growing when their genetic code dictates.  For some weeds that cycle starts as early as December.  In order to prevent a hostile takeover of your garden, spend a little time out there pulling the weeds.  I know, it's only January, but the fresh air and exercise will do you a world of good.  By eliminating the weeds before those cute little white flowers appear, you will also prevent seed production and hopefully have fewer weeds to contend with next year.  

So, to answer your question:  No, it is not spring yet!  But it is time to weed...
Weeds are popping up in my perennial garden already!

Bittercress is a "winter" weed.  Pull it now to prevent seed production.

1 comment:

  1. Bittercress is edible and quite tasty. A bit like mustard greens.
