Thursday, July 29, 2010

Centaurea montana-blooms all summer

Centaurea montana---

This plant is best called by its Latin name. The common names are too confusing so when I give away some starts, I call it by its official name.

Fuzzy deep blue-gray leaves are covered in blue-purple flowers from early spring until frost. It just keeps growing and growing! At one half to two feet tall, this is the backbone of my flower bed. It spreads by the roots and self-seeds. Pull out what you don't want. Share with friends by all means. In deer country this one will make it because it grows so fast.

The plants will get lanky and ratty after awhile so I cut them back to the ground. In a few weeks, repeat blooms follow lush basal re-growth. I've had as many as 4 sets of blooms in one year.
I can't say enough good things about this plant. Full sun to part sun. Tolerates poor soil, does fine even in drought conditions. A welcome addition to any garden. This, by the way, is not knapweed but looks something like it. It's a lovely perennial given to me as a start from a friend's garden. A must have for your garden!

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